Sunday, February 3, 2013


I need to fucking vent. I just started a full time job with West (call center for AT&T), so far I'm only in training, but the schedule is killing me. At 40 hours/week it's the most I've ever worked in my life. I had to drop out of school this semester to accommodate the hours. What I'm most worried about is having no time for my hobbies. I play guitar and video games, and these activites used to take up a majority of my time. I though when I got off work that I would have plenty of time to pursue these hobbies of mine, but as it turns out, it's not enough time. When I get off work at 2:00, I get home at 3pm and just end up watching tv and eating until about 8pm when I crash again because I need to get up at 4am for work. Right now it's sunday, and my weekend just flew by. I went to the park and played guitar for an hour and it sort of restored by faith in life, but not a whole lot. Basically what I'm hunkering down for is 3-4 years of having no time to obsess over my hobbies; like guitar, retro gaming, computer gaming, and messing with computers. I figure when I have my degree that my hours in my job with decrease, as well as my school hours being nonexistent, so it's the right path to take. I would rather have a promising future and a 3-4 year gap in my life that's just "werk, skool, werk, skool, werk, skool" than have no future at all. Is this the sacrifice that successful people make? Shit, I would rather just be an unemployed hippie my entire life if this what I have to do to make it in this world. I'm gonna die at age 70 anyway, 3-4 years of my 20's is valuable to me, but if it means another 50 years of having plenty of money then I can see the value in sacrificing part of my better years to school and work.

I had a dream that all my guitar strings broke and they whipped me in the eyes, I wonder what it means?

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